Remembering Ruby on What Would Have Been Her 11th Birthday

Good To Know


Today would have been Ruby’s 11th birthday, and as is often the case with these special days, I miss my precious girl even more today than I usually do. I don’t think I’ll ever come to terms with the fact that she died so young. She had so much life left to live, so many more years of irritating her big sister, and so many more tuna cakes to enjoy.

The photo above shows her on her last birthday in 2019, about a month before she was diagnosed with advanced kidney disease.

I thought I’d share this little gallery of some of my favorite photos with you today to remember my sweet girl. (If you’re reading this via our email update, you may need to click through to our website to view the gallery.)

Happy Birthday, Ruby in spirit. I hope there’s tuna cake in heaven.


1 Comment on Remembering Ruby on What Would Have Been Her 11th Birthday

  1. Lots of purrs to you today, as you remember Ruby.

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