Webinar: Avian Vet Insider—The Lighter Side of Treating a Pet That Can Talk Back!

Other Animals

Webinar: Avian Vet Insider—The Lighter Side of Treating a Pet That Can Talk Back!

Date: Friday, September 17, 2021

Time: 12:00 pm PDT (double-check your local time with this time zone converter)

Dr. Lamb September 17 Webinar

Join us for a FREE, live, interactive webinar hosted by Laura Doering, former editor of Bird Talk magazine and Birds USA magazine. Our special guest, Dr. Stephanie Lamb, DVM, DABVP (Avian Practice), will present another episode of our popular new series, Avian Vet Insider. In this episode, Dr. Lamb looks at the lighter side of clinic life. While she takes each case seriously, her sometimes talkative patients can bring some comic relief. Parrot behavior can be puzzling, and what can be alarming to the owner may not be the serious illness or condition the owner was afraid of. We cover some very serious topics in these webinars, but this time let’s look at the lighter side of things, during this insider’s view of the daily happenings at your Avian Vet’s Clinic.

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