Cat Rescue Centers to Win Donation

Good To Know

To celebrate International Cat Day, Buy Rope is going to donate 100% of their profits made on Tuesday 8th of August to a cat rescue center.


If you are an animal rescue centre or charity supporting the welfare of cats and you are in need of additional funds just follow the steps on how to apply mentioned below.

  • Go to Buy Rope’s Facebook page
  • Find the post about this event
  • Share the post publicly
  • Collect as many likes as you can on your shared post until the 8th of August.

The organisation who gets the most likes on Facebook until the 8th of August will receive the funds! The results will be announced on the 10th of August.

Why is this day important?

International Cat Day was created by the International Fund for Animal Welfare not just to celebrate our feline friends but to raise awareness of the abandoned cats in shelters and to encourage people to help and adopt them.

According to RSPCA there is a cat overpopulation crisis in the UK, with too many cats to be rehomed or even placed in shelters so let’s use this day as an opportunity to spread the word and make a change.

For more information about this event please visit Buy Rope’s page.


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