Allegra’s World: Top 10 Things About Me

Good To Know


Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! Last week, Mom shared a memory of my sister: Ruby listed 10 things about herself that she wanted everyone to know about. I thought maybe you’d like to hear the top 10 things about me, too?

10. I love visitors and I’m so happy Mom can have friends over again.

9. I used to be afraid of thunderstorms, but now they don’t bother me at all. Mom seems to be more jumpy than I am during storms!

8. I eat really fast.

7. I love sitting in Mom’s lap when she meditates in the morning.

6. I have never met a scratcher I didn’t like.

5. I love being brushed.

4. I love helping Mom test new products.

3. As soon as Mom goes to bed, I follow her and curl up right next to her.

2. I don’t like cloudy days. I need my sun puddles!

And the number one thing you need to know about me:

1. I’m beautiful inside and out.

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