Mews and Nips: Netflix’s Cat People Dispels Stereotypes

Good To Know

Have you watched Cat People yet? This delightful six-part documentary series features people in different parts of the world who have dedicated their lives to cats, including our friends Samantha Martin and Sterling Davis. In a wonderful article in The Atlantic, Sarah Archer reflects on what we can learn from these individuals. “In one sense, cat people’s devotion to their animals sets them up to be stereotyped, judged, or not taken seriously. But in another, their work opens a different door, allowing them to be understood and valued for the singular human beings they are.” Read the full article on The Atlantic.

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Sunday, we reflected on tolerance and compassion, on Monday, we stressed how critical hydration is to your cat’s health, on Tuesday, we featured cute kitty sneakers (for humans,) on Wednesday, I shared a Ruby memory, on Thursday, we featured adorable purrmaid ornaments, and on Friday, I offered some suggestions for your summer reading list.

Today’s video reminded me how much Allegra liked to play with straws when she was little. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend.

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