Mews and Nips: The Wonderful Relationship Between Istanbul and its Cats

Good To Know

Cats have been a part of Istanbul’s history for thousands of years. They are given almost complete free reign in this city of 15 million humans. They go wherever they want, flopping down in the middle of sidewalks and plazas where people have learned to simply step around them. They’re allowed inside buildings, even cafés and restaurants, where they often occupy chairs. In stores, the unwritten rule is that you never disturb a cat, even if it’s sitting on the merchandise. For a wonderful article that takes a closer look at the unique relationship between the human and feline inhabitants of this magical city, visit LGBTQ Nation.

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Sunday, we celebrated the 4th of July, on Monday, we shared the new AAFP senior care guidelines, on Tuesday, we featured adorable ceramic cat figurines, on Wednesday, we explained how feline pheromones can help with behavioral issues, and on Friday, I highlighted one of my all time favorite cat books, Gwen Cooper’s Love Saves the Day. And don’t forget to enter our giveaway to win an Assisi Loop for your cat!

I wish we could all be as Zen as the two cats in today’s video – enjoy!

Have a great weekend!

Photo by Aleksandr Nadyojin/Pexels

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