Remembering Ruby: That Time When Ruby Experienced Fireworks for the First Time

Good To Know


I am so grateful to have eight years of Ruby’s Reflections to look back on, even though of course, eight years isn’t nearly enough. We don’t realize how quickly we can forget the small, everyday things after we lose a loved one. It’s one of the many reasons why I encourage people to journal after they lose a cat and write down as many memories as they can. Capturing memories while they’re fresh in our minds is a precious gift to ourselves.

Today’s memory goes back to July of 2011. Ruby had been with us for three months, and she was about to experience her first 4th of July. Ruby was a brave kitten in general, and there wasn’t much that she was afraid of, but I was still worried that the fireworks might scare her.

Click here to read Fireworks and Vaccuum Cleaners.

For tips on how to help your cats through the holiday weekend, click here to read How to Help Your Cat Cope with Fireworks.

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