Guest Star Cat: Kizzy

Good To Know

Hi everyone,

Please find below a guest story from Louise and her cat Kizzy:

Kizzy is a rescue cat who came to us at 6 months old. Her story before she was found by Cat’s Protection is unknown, but she was found wandering, afraid and alone, very nervous and disliked her back being touched. She would shy away from people who tried to touch her. We suspect some form of ill treatment, simply from her behaviour at that time.

She has been here 6 years now and we love her to bits. She has a beautiful coat and has become contented. Each night she sleeps between my husband and I. We are woken early, particularly in summer by her head butting us, gentle purrs, paw up the nose, that kind of thing!

Kizzy is a very sedate and genteel cat aware of her own queenliness and walks sedately round the house, unlike our other cat, Twinkle who is full of mischief and beans. I call her the Margo Leadbetter of the feline world!

About a month ago she started to go off her food. Unheard of! We thought initially, too many treats but it seemed more than that. She always enjoyed her food and would wait politely beside her dish when it was empty, Giving meaningful looks towards us. Her not eating or even drinking scared us. She wasn’t herself at all.

Then after vomiting bile twice we took her to the vet. Initital assessment did not show any abnormalities but after a Sunday call out and return on Monday she was admitted to our local veterinary surgery as an in patient. Tests, of all manner followed, and Kizzy refusing to eat. She was put on a drip and given painkillers and fluids. An ultrasound scan, hence the pink belly, was undertaken and a diagnosis of pancreatitis was given and she was treated accordingly.

Now she is back home and thankfully is back to herself again.

This is the first time Kizzy has been unwell and never has attended the vet’s except for annual boosters. She is a sweet natured girl and we have even been permitted to kiss her little pink belly!

I hope everyone will enjoy the picture. She is well now, but will sport the bald belly for some time!

Louise Woods

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