Review: Petlibro Capsule Automatic Fountain

Good To Know


Water is critical to keeping your cat healthy. Cats as a species don’t have a high thirst drive, and this can lead to chronic low-level dehydration if a cat is fed mostly dry food. Proper hydration can help prevent urinary tract disease and promote healthy kidney function by flushing toxins. Fountains are a great way to encourage cats to drink more water.

With so many fountains available, it can be difficult to determine quality. The two main things I look for in a fountain are that it needs to be easy to clean and easy to operate, but I also want it to look good and be quiet. The Petlibro Capsule Automatic Water Fountain hits all these marks.


Petlibro Capsule features

  • The translucent tank holds 2.1 liters and lets you easily see when it’s time to refill.
  • Built with noise-insulation tubes, this fountain is super quiet.
  • A generously sized filter filters out hair, impurities, mold and heavy metals.
  • Two drinking modes to accommodate your cat’s preference: gentle bubbles or flowing stream.
  • Easy to clean: the rounded corners prevent dirt and bacteria build up and make cleaning easy.


Putting the Petlibro Capsule to the test

Assembly was quick and easy. Printed instructions are included, but the print is so tiny I had a hard time reading it even with my readers on. Thankfully, the same instructions are on the Petlibro website in full color.

This fountain is unbelievably quiet! We have the round Petlibro fountain, and I thought that was quiet, but the Capsule  has it beat. The only thing you can hear is the occasional gentle trickle of the water. In fact, it’s so quiet, I had to double check to make sure it was on! I’m extremely noise-sensitive, and the constant low hum or splashing of water that so many fountains have drives me a little crazy. You could have this fountain your bedroom and it wouldn’t disturb your sleep at all.

The height of this fountain is purrfect, allowing cats to drink comfortably without having to crouch. The fountain is extremely easy to clean. Petlibro recommends cleaning and changing filters every two weeks, which seems a bit excessive to me. It really will depend on usage and the number of cats you have in your home. For a single cat household like ours, I wouldn’t expect to have to change it more than once every month or two.

I love everything about this fountain: it has a pleasing design, it’s easy to use, and most of all, it’s virtually silent.


The Petlibro Automatic Water Fountain is available from PetLibro’s website. You can also find Petlibro on Facebook and Instagram.

*FTC Disclosure: We received this fountain from Petlibro at no charge, and we also received a fee for featuring this product. Receiving the complimentary product and the fee did not influence my review. All reviews on The Conscious Cat will always reflect my honest opinion, or, as the case may be, Allegra’s honest opinion.

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