Older Cat Adoption

Good To Know

Story by Venus:

My beautiful Bengal just passed away two weeks ago. Her name was Puma and I have been her mom for the last 6 years.

I will always remember the day we first saw her. She was in Petco and the sign said she was 10 years old and declawed. I was like, “Who wants a 10 year old, declawed cat?”. Then she looked at us. At first, she was my ex-husbands cat. She loved rubbing her face against his beard..then he shaved it off and got annoyed with her. Anyway, one night, she ran head first into the closed Catio door; I picked her up and gave her kisses saying, “Are you okay?”. She was my cat from then on. The Ex left and the cats and I moved many times. While in this trailer, Puma made friends with the wall heater and talked to it. She even introduced her little sister to it.

As she got older, and sicker..I know realize..she exhibited some weird behavior.. like this.

She would put herself in corners with her head against the wall.
Two weeks ago, she vomited the whole night.. mostly bile and would not eat or drink the next morning. She was so weak, she could barely stand..so I took her to the vet.

I lost my beautiful, 16 year old to Liver Failure but I hold onto the memories.

The look she would give me when I went to pick her up, how she would put her head on my shoulder and her paws around my neck, how she would intimidate my other cat when she picked on the kittens, when she would wake herself up by yelling and when I asked why would look at me like I did it, how she would run up and down the hallway and loved playing with her favorite toy..as well as all the other green ones. I don’t believe cats are color blind.

While no cat lives forever, Puma gave me much joy.
Please consider giving older animals a chance so they can have the best last years of their lives.

Venus- https://midlifecatlady64.wordpress.com


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