Cat Got Back to Her Beloved Kitten and Never Left His Side – They Hope for Home Together


A tabby cat got back to her beloved kitten and hasn’t left his side since. They share an adorable bond.

cat mom, tabby kitten, snuggles

Gisel and PrunoChatons Orphelins Montréal

Early this year, a pregnant cat came to Chatons Orphelins Montréal, a cat rescue in Canada, after she was rescued from a difficult situation.

A Good Samaritan brought her to safety just in time, so the cat wouldn’t have to give birth in the cold. They named her Gisel and she was estimated to be about one year old. A few days after she arrived in foster care, the tabby went into labor.

The first kitten, Pruno, was a healthy boy and very vocal from the start. He immediately latched onto his mom, showing much vitality. But within the next 24 hours, things took a turn for the worst when Gisel was no longer eating and couldn’t care for her kitten.

Gisel the catChatons Orphelins Montréal

She was rushed to the hospital where they discovered that she was battling severe infections. Pruno was the only surviving kitten and had to be separated from his mom, while she underwent a life-saving surgery.

“Gisel felt so much better after surgery and started to eat again,” Celine Crom of Chatons Orphelins Montréal shared with Love Meow. Once she was ready to be discharged, she returned to her foster home to be reunited with her beloved kitten.

cat mom, baby kitten

Cuddling with her kitten after surgeryChatons Orphelins Montréal

Gisel donned a recovery suit as she was on medications and couldn’t nurse her kitten. But nothing could stop her from doting and caring for her single baby.

“When she was back with her kitten, they immediately recognized each other. She started grooming him and has been with him ever since.”

purrito, burrito kitten

Baby PrunoChatons Orphelins Montréal

Stef, the foster mom, bottle fed the kitten around the clock while Gisel carried on with the rest of the mommy duties. She groomed baby Pruno from head to tail, and cradled him in her arms until they fell asleep together.

“Even though she couldn’t feed him, she took great care of him. Pruno was really good with the bottle, and he grew quickly with two moms catering to him.”

basket, cute tabby cats

Mother and sonChatons Orphelins Montréal

Gisel has been a loving mother and is very close to Pruno. She always keeps an eye out for her baby, making sure that he stays out of trouble.

Watch Gisel and Pruno in this cute video:

Sweet cat mom and kitten

The tabby boy likes to imitate his mom, learning how to cat from the best.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Pruno is catching up in size and getting more playful and curious each day.

Even though he is a teenage cat now, Gisel continues to mother him, give him mandatory baths and put up with his rough play and all his antics.

Gisel and PrunoChatons Orphelins Montréal

“Pruno likes to explore and check out new places. He will meow if he wants something. His mom is just as adventurous as he is,” Celine shared with Love Meow.

“They enjoy spending time together, playing and snuggling. They share a wonderful connection.”

tabby kitten

Pruno has grown to be a handsome young catChatons Orphelins Montréal

At three months old now, Pruno is ready to embark on a new journey with his mom. They are looking for a loving home where they can stay together forever.

cat mom, cute kitten, mom and son

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

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Related story: Kitten Follows Cat Home and Decides She is Never Leaving After Life on the Streets

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