Allegra’s World: Coffee Table Makeover, Part Two

Good To Know


Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! Remember how I told you about how I helped Mom paint our coffee table a couple of weeks ago? Well, guess what! I got to help with another project!

This time, Mom painted the end tables that go with the coffee table. But instead of painting them in the living room, where I could be really helpful, she dragged each table into her office, and sometimes, she closed the door on me. She mumbled something about “we don’t want to get any paint on you, Allegra, do we?”, but how was I supposed to do my job if she locked me out of the office?


I did manage to help her a lot with getting everything set up.


And I made sure that I inspected the finished product thoroughly before I let her put it back in the living room.


I think Mom did a good job, but she could have done it in so much less time if she had let me help more!

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