Review: Penny: A Graphic Memoir

Good To Know


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Chronicle Books, the publisher of such fun books as Star Trek Cats, Working from Home with a Cat, and I Could Pee on This, have come out with yet another wonderful book – and it features a tortie! In Penny: A Graphic Memoir, artist Karl Stevens captures the existential mewsings and day to day activities of his cat Penny.

I have never read a graphic novel before, and maybe they’re not all as much fun like this one, but I fell in love with  Penny from the very first few pages.


At times sarcastic, at times wistful, at times angst filled, Penny portrays the timeless feline struggle between her wild cat instincts and the comforts of living in a safe home. She also has a quite a vivid imagination.

“I can see through our own plane and witness alternate lives in other realms. Look, there is another me cleaning myself after a nap.”

“I’ve been watching this light flicker over the wall for the past forty-five minutes. … Best show I’ve seen all year.”


The illustrations are absolutely wonderful. I am in awe of Stevens’ talent and the way he is able to capture Penny’s facial expressions in frame after frame after frame.

This little treasure of a book will make you smile, it will make you realize just how profound cats can be, and it will make you look at your own cats in a whole new light.

And if you missed it, we introduced you to Penny in an interview with Karl Stevens earlier this week.

Penny: A Graphic Memoir is available from Amazon.


Interior images from the book used with the artist’s permission

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