Allegra’s World: 11th Adoption Anniversary

Good To Know


Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! Today is my 11th Adoption Anniversary! Eleven years ago today, Mom brought me home to live with her and Amber. Sadly, I never got to know Amber really well, because she passed away six weeks after I arrived. Then it was just Mom and me for almost a year before Ruby joined our family.

For the past year and a half, it’s been just Mom and me again. I still miss my sister, but I also really like having Mom to myself. This past year has been so strange, with Mom being home almost all the time because of “the situation,” and it’s been quite a job taking care of her all by myself. Mom has been sad a lot over the past year, and she’s also felt anxious a lot, but I think I’ve done a good job making sure she’s okay.

Lately, things have felt lighter and Mom seems less stressed, and it feels like the situation is not going to be with us much longer. Even though I know that means Mom will probably not be home quite as much, I love that she is feeling more hopeful. Whatever makes her happy makes me happy.

But today is a day for celebration – 11 years!  How is that even possible? I still feel like a kitten! Thank you for bringing me home and loving me all these years, Mom!

I’m going to have some tuna cake in Ruby’s memory to celebrate. I’m pretty sure I won’t have to share it with Mom….

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