Did you know over 3 million cats enter U.S. shelters every year?
An estimated one million of these cats don’t make it out. But TNR programs are working to reduce this number by trapping feral and stray cats, having them spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and treated for any illnesses. These cats are then either returned to their colony or go on to find forever homes.
By having these community cats fixed, TNR devotees are breaking the kitten cycle and lowering the number of cats that come to tragic ends.
In an effort to help further the spay and neuter mission, Alley Cat Rescue is hosting their 11th annual Feral Fix Challenge.

Alley Cat Rescue Feral Fix Challenge
In 2010, Alley Cat Rescue hosted the first Feral Cat Spay Day (FCSD) with hopes of encouraging the veterinary community to “offer free and low-cost trap-neuter-return (TNR) services to those who care for community cats.”
A success, Feral Cat Spay Day continued every year until 2017 when the single-day event transformed into the month-long challenge we now know.
Alley Cat Rescue shared, “To date, more than 1,100 participants in the U.S. and around the world have spayed or neutered nearly 60,000 community cats as part of this program.”
And now Feral Fix Challenge is on for 2021!

After the challenging year that was 2020 forced shutdowns and quarantines, feral cat colonies went unchecked, causing an explosion in their populations. With spring and summer approaching, kitten season is almost here again and it’s expected to be another busy one.
“Unsterilized cats are suffering during this pandemic as well, and over 50% of kittens born on the streets get sick and die. This is why it is more important now than ever that vets step up and help mitigate this crisis as much and as soon as possible.”

How You Can Be Part of the Challenge
For the Medical Professionals
What you need to do:
1) Veterinarians and clinics can register here to take the pledge.
2) Once registered, veterinarians and clinics can submit their Feral Fix Challenge totals here.
For the Cat Lovers:
Alley Cat Rescue encourages cat lovers to invite their veterinarians to the Challenge as well.
All you need to do is complete this form and Alley Cat Rescue will invite them to take the Feral Fix Challenge! You can also support the cause by making a donation.
Remember, whether feral, stray, rescued, pedigreed, senior, or kitten, every kitty matters and we can make their lives better!

H/T: www.katzenworld.co.uk
Feature Image: @alleycatrescue/Instagram