5 Reasons PrettyLitter is the Best Cat Litter

Good To Know

When it comes to kitty litter, pet parents want a product that’s clean, easy to use, and odor-free. If you are still using clumping store bought litter, it’s time to up your kitty litter game. PrettyLitter offers cat parents a new way to take care of kitty business with less mess, no odor, and ultimate convenience. On top of that, it helps pet parents keep tabs on their cat’s health. There are so many reasons why PrettyLitter is the best brand in kitty litter. Here are the top 5 reasons your cat needs PrettyLitter.

PrettyLitter cat and human

#1 – PrettyLitter Monitors Your Cat’s Health

PrettyLitter distinguishes itself from store bought brands by using technology to track the PH level of your cat’s urine. The litter can identify illnesses early with a simple urinalysis. Plus, PrettyLitter allows you to do this in the comfort of your home. It can detect health concerns like UTIs, bladder stones, and metabolic acidosis.

The litter changes color based on the PH level. Normal cat urine is dark yellow or olive green while anything else could indicate illness.

If you notice any concerns, you can seek medical care for your cat before things progress. PrettyLitter isn’t a diagnosis, but it can help you save big on vet bills by alerting you of problems before they worsen. After all, cats are masters of hiding pain.

Here are some changes you might notice in your cat’s litter:

Blue Litter: If PrettyLitter turns blue or dark green, it means the cat’s urine has a high pH level. The cat could have a urinary tract infection and they’re at risk of developing bladder crystals and stones.

Yellow Litter: Yellow or orange litter is a sign of abnormal acidity. The cat may be experiencing metabolic acidosis or kidney tubular acidosis. It can also mean crystals and stones are forming in the bladder.

Red Litter: Splotches of red means there is blood in the cat’s urine. Kidney disease, clotting disorder, bladder cancer, and bladder inflammation are all possible reasons.

PrettyLitter is so impressive it even got a nod in the Smitten Kittens section of O Magazine.

Pouring PrettyLitter

#2 – Super Convenient

You can remove litter from your shopping list and say goodbye to lugging heavy bags of litter home. PrettyLitter delivers their lightweight litter to your door, every month, at no cost. Shipping is free anywhere in the continental United States and most Provinces in Canada.

With auto-shipping, you don’t even have to think about when to change the litter. A bag of PrettyLitter lasts 3-4 weeks (depending on size of cat and litter box). You can even get a deal if you need to purchase multiple bags for more than one cat.

You can adjust your shipment to arrive when it’s time to change the litter out. Taking care of your kitty’s business has never been more convenient.

Real Simple agrees, including PrettyLitter in their Little Helpers section of “smart products that make life easier.”

Girl pouring kitty litter

#3 – The BEST in Odor Control

The most common complaint among pet parents is the inevitable smell that comes from the litter box. The only smell worse than pee or poop is the natural smell of cat waste covered up with some flowery fragrance added to the litter. No thanks!

Luckily, PrettyLitter is odorless and scentless. When in contact with urine, it traps the odor and then eliminates the moisture. With PrettyLitter, you’ll never smell your cat’s dirty business again.

PrettyLitter customer Jen is so impressed with the odor control of PrettyLitter, she thinks it is magical:

“I have a small, very warm apartment and odor control with my cat’s box was always a problem, and very expensive due to needing more frequent replacement. I was spending too much money changing over his old litter frequently. With this, I only need one bag a month, and I can stand within one foot of the litter box and not smell a thing. Wizardry.”

#4 – Simply Clean

Clean up has never been easier than it is with PrettyLitter. The days of scooping up clumps of urine from the litter box are gone! PrettyLitter’s special crystal litter is non-clumping and only requires regular stirring to manage your cat’s urination. Then, just scoop out the poop as usual.

Changing the litter will become less of a hassle when you only have to do it every 3-4 weeks. Plus, less dust means less sweeping.

One PrettyLitter customer, M, swears she will never use another litter after trying PrettyLitter for a few weeks:

“Too good to be true? Not on your life! I was skeptical when I ordered the first time. After just 3 weeks I’ll never use anything else. The ease of it. No more smelly clumps. Scoop the poop, stir the rest. Seeing the colour which lets me know my cat is healthy is also peace of mind. Sign me up for life.”

PrettyLitter pink litter box

#5 – Safe for the Entire Family

PrettyLitter is made of silica gel crystals. It is NOT made of crystalline silica, the ingredient in many store bought clumping brands. Crystalline silica is a known human lung carcinogen and wreaks havoc on those that suffer from allergies.

PrettyLitter is also free from sodium bentonite, a clumping agent. Sodium bentonite, if ingested by your cat or little one, can cause intestinal blockages. It also creates dust that is harmful to the lungs of all who inhale it.

Remove unnecessary risks to the health of your entire family with a litter that contains non-toxic silica gel.

Need another reason to make the switch to PrettyLitter? Get a special discount, available only to the iHeartCats’ community.

Use BESTPET20 at checkout to receive 20% off your first month! 

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