Oh, little Finnegan, how I want to scritch your chin again…and again and again!
From the care of Ellen Carozza LVT with the Nova Cat Clinic and the Chris Griffey Memorial Feline Foundation comes another adorable kitten, and he’s well on his way to strong and healthy as the newest member of #teamscratchndent.
Only a few weeks old, Finnegan arrived in Ellen’s hands with what she described as “a wicked abscess behind his left ear.” The tiny tabby kitten was also experiencing neurological difficulties, leaving him unable to sit on his own or walk.
Ellen told Love Meow, “He was absurdly small for his size for his birth date being January 3rd. He was quite wobbly to the point he could not hold himself up.”

The cat lovers of Nova Cat Clinic went to work right away on the baby, giving him antibiotics, tasty food and supplements, and lots of hugs. Feeding time also required extra care as Finn couldn’t even sit up on his own to take a bottle.
Big Bacteria for a Little Kitten
At first, it was unclear what was causing Finn’s inability to stand and walk. But after culturing the lump on his little ear and taking X-rays, the team learned what had the baby down.
“We found out the cause of his abscess, which was a Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus infection, and is usually passed from an infected Queen (mom), and the antibiotics we had him on was appropriate for his treatment course.”
As the antibiotics went to work defeating the infection, Finn discovered some big furry friends who were eager to teach him the ways of the cat.
Big Kitties Love the Little Kitty
Ellen’s forever cat buddy, Benedict, was smitten with the kitten right away, happy to give the baby his Benny Blessing.

“Benedict, the ultimate cat dad, had to give him his signature ‘blessings’ when he met Finn. Having older cats in the house that enjoy kittens, really helps the kitten learn how to be a cat.”
Loki, Benny’s brother, also enjoys loafing around with Finn too…

And when learning how to cat, sometimes one must deal with other kitties and their cranky moods! But Finn handled the cranky pants well, throwing up his itty-bitty claws from the comfort of his breadbasket.

“You don’t need a mom cat all the time to help raise them,” explained, Ellen, “you just need a cat with an amazing personality and the patience that enjoys the presence of kittens.”
Stronger Everyday
When Finn first set paw into Ellen’s care, he was a weak baby who didn’t feel good, but “after a week, he finally started feeling better enough to use a bottle slowly, and now he eats with gusto.”
With his healthy appetite came weight gain, and when kittens start growing those cute, round bellies, they’re getting stronger too! And because Finn is a tough little fighter, he learned how to walk and hold himself up.

In just a few weeks, Finn has come a long way with help from Ellen, her cat boys, and the clinic staff.
“He has made incredible achievements already and we are confident he will be walking and playing in no time like any healthy kitten should. This is another case of getting out of your comfort zone and treating these patients outside the box regardless of size and age.”
Via Instagram, Ellen shared, “This is the ONLY kitten I’ve ever had that wants to roll back over and go to sleep vs. getting up to eat.”

And because of his love for the snug life, Finn has recently discovered the magic of cuddling in Ellen’s jacket. She doesn’t seem to mind, but with a kitten as charming as Finn, who wouldn’t love to have him close at hand!
@thecatlvt #criticalkitten #rescuecat #fyp #fypkitten #fypcat
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H/T: www.lovemeow.com
Feature Image: @thecatlvt/Instagram