Purrsday Poetry: Princess Tiger Beauty Herself

Good To Know

So this is how mew see yourself: a great
Majestic tiger on a granite height!
Magnificent! You gaze upon the slight;
The clouds below mew banishing all hate.

Yes, this is heaven! Now mew have a home!
A faithful hooman servant here to rule
And scold to fetch a ladder or a stool
Because mew wish to dine upon a height!

Mew never need to climb here, Princess dear,
All monsters, kitty haters, will not call
And will not have the power to appal
My gracious queenly Tiger Beauty here.


O how astounding is your savage purr!
You gratify me with your gracious paws!
Thank God that no one’s scalpeled out your claws
Or gave mew injuries that mawl your fur!

Yet  daringly, your Highness, mew sill deign
To rule my modest domicile. Your friend
And vassal, Suave Sir Romeow, does lend
His aid. Long live our Queen! Long may she reign!

Author notes

There’s a cat hater in town, or was. One neighbor caught him doing his best to drown a cat he’d shot with a BB gun. The cat was rescued and vets patched the terribly injured guy back together. I think the monster was arrested.

I believe this lovely creation is courtesy of pinterest.

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