Teaching your cat to use the toilet is a bad idea for so many reasons. Ender, the cat in the video above, demonstrates one — or all — of them.
Being a cat parent can be a dirty job sometimes, and we’re all probably pros at cleaning up messes by now. At least we got some laughs out of Ender’s little “accident.” Send this video to someone who could use a laugh today, but make sure they don’t get grossed out too easily!
Maybe after watching this video — or the movie Meet The Parents — you’re wondering if you can teach your cat to use the toilet. Well, if you watched the video closely, you might see a few flaws in that plan. Here are some reasons your cat should stick to the litter box instead of the human toilet.
(Picture Credit: © copyright 2011 Sharleen Chao/Getty Images)
Your cat will be much happier eliminating in clean litter boxes where they can feel secure and cover their excrement. If you try to teach them to use a toilet, Ender’s mishap in the video above may seem like the least of your worries.
Has your cat had any mishaps in the bathroom like Ender did in the video? What would you do if your cat tried to use the toilet? Let us know in the comments below!