Cat Kneads Away with Happy Paws When She Finds Family to Help Her Kittens


A cat is so thankful to have found a family to help her kittens that she keeps kneading away.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

A month ago, a rescued pregnant cat came to her foster home in Melbourne, Australia, for a chance at a better life. She was so thankful for a roof over her head and plenty of good food available within reach.

The expectant cat mom was very knead-y from the start. As soon as she stepped on a soft blanket, she began making the cutest “biscuits”, kneading away while purring up a storm. “She is a total sweetheart, super affectionate and has absolutely beautiful markings,” Amber, a foster volunteer of Hear No Evil, shared.

They thought there would be another few weeks until the tiny babies arrived, but a few days later, Amber walked into the room to quite the surprise — the sweet cat mom, Pandora, gave birth to a litter of four kittens.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

It was clear from the beginning that momma Pandora needed help and guidance for her newborns. She was inexperienced with what to do. Amber immediately stepped in, cleaned the babies and placed them next to the mom, so they could start nursing.

“Thankfully, by the time the fourth baby arrived, she read the ‘how to be a cat mum’ memo and got on with the job, and is now a very contented girl looking after her babies,” Amber added.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

Despite their very best efforts and painstaking care, the runt of the litter lost his fight. The rest of the kittens perked up and started to thrive.

“Sweet Pandora is clueless when it comes to motherhood, but is a total sweetheart and much more interested in making biscuits and rolling around than paying attention to the tiny creatures that have latched onto her and aren’t letting go.”

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

The kittens, Butters, Beans and Banana, are eating like champs and hanging onto their mother for dear life. With the help of the foster family, the trio is getting bigger and stronger each day.

After receiving supplemental nourishment, Banana (the tiniest of the three) almost caught up in size with his siblings and could hold his own when they wrestled.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

Once the kittens opened their eyes, they were eager to step paw outside their nest and explore. Pandora was attentive and caring to her little bundles of joy when her motherly instinct kicked in, in full swing.

Watch Pandora and her kittens in this cute video:

Cat mom and her kittens

The kittens have really blossomed in just a few weeks. Their eyes are wide open, and they are on the prowl, ready to take on the world.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

Momma Pandora waves her happy paws in the air every time Amber comes in the room. Nothing makes her happier than having the company of her people.

This sweet love-bug will never have to worry another day on the streets, and can spend all day kneading away as she pleases.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

Her kittens will start to learn to eat solid food in the coming weeks. They are getting more curious and bolder every day.

Once they are weaned, sweet Pandora will happily retire from motherhood, once and for all.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

She will be looking for a loving home where she can be the center of attention and knead to her heart’s content.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

Share this story with your friends. Follow this sweet family and Amber’s fosters on Instagram.

Related story: Cat Brings Her Kittens to Family that was Kind to Her, and Changes Their Lives Forever

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