Mews and Nips: Foster Kittens Make Terminally Ill Woman’s Birthday Special

Good To Know

Get  your tissues ready, because you’re going to need them for this story. In early November, CatRescue 901, an animal rescue based in Sydney, Australia, received an unusual request from the daughter of a terminally ill woman. Due to the level of care her mother requires, it’s not possible for her to adopt or foster, but her daughter wanted to make what would most likely be her last birthday special. The rescue immediately agreed to send three kittens for a birthday visit. Visit for the full story and more wonderful photos of the visit. I hope this story may inspire others in a similar situation.

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Sunday, we encouraged you to sing, on Monday, we told you about the exclusive 15% discount on all Assisi Loops and Lounges, on Tuesday, we reviewed Kitty Whip cat toys, on Wednesday, we told you about fantastic holiday savings on 1TDC, on Thursday, we featured adorable cat holiday towels, and on Friday, we reviewed Working From Home With a Cat.

The kitty in today’s video seems to really be enjoying her massage. I feel more relaxed just watching! Enjoy.

Have a great weekend!

Photo via

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