Hi everyone,
Please fin d below a guest story from Jo Olsen about ZuZu:
Most of ZuZu’s first 18 months are a bit of speculation. She was taken to Angel’s Wish (shelter in Verona, WI) after someone found her in a box, cold & hungry.
A mere kitten herself, she’d recently given birth to 2 kittens that hadn’t survived. Thanks to the TLC from the Angel’s Wish volunteers she was adopted after a few months…and then abandoned after all 4 paws were declawed! She was found foraging through a grocery store’s garbage cold, hungry and now defenseless. Thank goodness Angel’s Wish microchips every adoptee, because that’s how she was returned to their loving care. The volunteer foster family brought her back to health and again she was ready for adoption.
Enter Jo and Ruth. The Angel’s Wish web site summarized her known life and our hearts broke for her ordeals. Given ZuZu’s past, we wanted to be the first to meet her when she was ready to be adopted for a second time. We met ZuZu with an adoption counselor for over an hour, and fell in love with 6 pounds of spunk and personality packaged in a trusting (!) grey cat. For the past 6 years this fluff ball has had the literal run of our house: Flying up & down the staircase, taking 2 or 3 steps at a time. Chasing and being chased by our twice-her-size catpanion Duncan.

Setting a cat perch to rocking when she jumps off it. She loves a lap to start and end her day with lots of naps in between. ZuZu never passes up an offered grooming brush and tummy rubs are welcomed 7 days a week. Her joie de vivre brightens even the gloomiest of Wisconsin winter days.