Guest Star: Iris

Good To Know

Hi Everyone!

My name is Iris and I am the lucky kitten of Nancy and Tom.

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They adopted me from ARF(Animal Rescue Foundation) last Christmas. I met Nancy and right away I knew that I wanted her to be my mom. She gave me some treats and played with me. She went to see other kittens and I was sooo happy when she came back to me.

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My mom calls me her little shadow as I love to follow her around the house. It’s important for me to know what my humans are doing at all times. I even bring my toys for her to make sure that she plays with me. Every night I sit on her lap while she watches TV lying down on my back with my tummy up to make sure it gets attention.

Watching big cats like lions and tigers on the TV is one of my favorite pastimes. I always try to steal my dad’s rubber bands and chase them around the room. I may cause my parents some frustration at times but I know I give them a lot of joy.

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