The Friday Art Cat: Swisher the Cat

Good To Know

Hi everyone,

Today’s entry in the Friday Art Cat comes from Jackie Silver:

Swisher, commissioned by Anne & Frank H. who said, “It’s so lifelike we want to pet it!”

About the Artist:

Acrylic pet paintings are extremely popular, with good reason. Our pets are like our children! Many people who know me are not aware that I am an artist – I have painted with oils since age 11. I recently started doing pet paintings using acrylics and now even people I don’t know are contacting me to paint their pets! It’s exciting to suddenly change direction at this point in my life, but I have done it before, lol.

Sort of like Barbie, I have had many careers, including FM radio DJ, advertising copywriter, public relations executive, creator of the radio segment, CyberBabe with What’s Hot on the Net (1995!), voice over artisttelevision correspondenton-air guest for shopping TV, beauty expert, author, entrepreneur and, now, professional artist.

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