What’s Mew at Catster: September 2020 Cat Events

Good To Know

Looking for a way to celebrate our feline friends this month? Here are some fun September cat activities.

NOTE: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many events have been cancelled or gone virtual.

All Month: Happy Cat Month, World Animal Remembrance Month, Disaster Preparedness Month

Sept. 12: Virtual Catio Tour

The 8thAnnual Catio Tour in Portland, Oregon, goes virtual this year!  The tour will showcase 10 inspirational – and diverse – outdoor cat enclosures. Each catio has been professionally filmed to show their creative and unique designs. You can take the tour on Zoom with other catio fans, be the first to see the catio videos and interact with hosts during a live Q&A. Hosted by the Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon and Portland Audobon, the Catio Tour was created to inspire cat owners to build or buy their own outdoor cat enclosure to keep their beloved pets safe from outdoor hazards, while also protecting wildlife. The tour takes place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. – right from the comfort of your own home! To register, click here.

Sept. 13: National Pet Memorial Day

Held each year on the second Sunday of September, this day of remembrance honors our pets that have passed on. Here are some ways you can celebrate your furry loved ones: donate time or money to a good cause; create a memory photo album or box of your pet’s items; write a poem or short story about your pet; get a tattoo of your furry friend. 

September 2020 Cat Events

Consider bringing a less adoptable cat into your home.

Sept. 13-19: Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week

During this week, animal shelters and rescue groups raise awareness about the benefits of adopting pets that tend to get overlooked or passed over, like seniors and pets with special needs. If you’ve been thinking about welcoming a new cat into your home, consider adopting a less adoptable one.

Sept. 20 – 26: Deaf Pet Awareness Week

Join the many pet lovers who have found the joy in a deaf pet by fostering or adopting one. Has your pet recently gone deaf? Support deaf cats by spreading the word on this week-long celebration taking place the last full week every September.

Thumbnail: Photography by vvvita/Shutterstock. 

Read Next: Help Your Cat Love The Great Indoors

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