Cutie Pie Cat And His Dad Reunite In Surprise Meeting

Good To Know

Hooray for reunions!

Sadly, too many cat parents and their kitties get separated.

But the hard work and dedication of rescue groups and humane societies often saves the day, reuniting distraught cats and their equally upset humans.

In a world full of bad news, good news is always welcome and the tale of Theron and Cutie Pie definitely lifts our spirits.

In a recent Facebook post, the Bangor Humane Society told the story of their reunion, sharing Theron came to the shelter in hopes of finding “a cat to heal his heart”. His own beloved cat, a gray and white fluff named Cutie Pie, had disappeared not so long ago.

With so much love still to give, Theron visited with the cats, pausing at the kennels and saying hello. But, at one kennel, he found a surprise. “He stopped to examine one of our friends a little more closely and when the cat turned to face him, Theron erupted with joy.”

The post revealed, “THIS WAS HIS CUTIE PIE!!”

Bangor Humane Society/Facebook

Surprise Reunion Leads to Happy Hearts

In this happy moment of reunion, both Cutie Pie and Theron were likely stunned upon first seeing each other. Cutie Pie’s first thought probably ran along the lines of, “Hey, it’s my food peasant, come to rescue me!”

The cat dad had no problem offering proof that he was Cutie Pie’s person. “Theron’s camera roll was full of pictures of Cutie Pie, leaving no question that this reunion was the real deal!”

When the time came for Cutie Pie to load up and go home, he was more than happy to climb in a carrier. Staff reported, “Let me just say I’ve honestly never seen a cat so eager to be in a cat carrier! He was SO ready to go home!”

So, what could have been a painful question left unsolved instead became a tale of reunion joy! The ending? “Cutie Pie found his way *back* to his forever home.”

Bangor Humane Society/Facebook

“We want to reunite as many animals as possible with their owners, and it’s an honor to keep them safe until that can happen.”

In the roller coaster world of saving animals, BHS said it best, “This is the good stuff.”

To the Bangor Human Society as well as all groups dedicated to helping cats in need, thank you for your work. Without you, these tales of forever home joy might not be possible!

Please SHARE to pass on this story to a friend or family member.

Feature Image: Bangor Humane Society/Facebook

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