Pre-order Now: Texts from Mittens 2021 Day-to-Day Calendar

Good To Know


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We are big fans of Angie Bailey. We pretty much love everything Angie does, whether it’s her weekly Feminine Hijinx Podcast, where she and co-host Susie Shubert talk about unconventionality, retro weirdness and more, her blog, and her Instagram, which frequently features tortie Janet. And of course, we love Texts from Mittens!

Angie’s Texts from Mittens books will make you laugh out loud (and also, grateful that your cats haven’t figured out how to text.) And if you want a good laugh every day for a whole year, you can now order the 2021 Day-to-Day Texts from Mittens calendar.


Each full-color page of this calendar features imaginary, humorous, and sweet conversations shared between Mitty, the box-loving, over-anxious, self-absorbed housecat, and his human. As an added bonus, the back of each page includes fun extra content such as puzzles, jokes, lists, quotes, activities, tips, and trivia.


Normally, I don’t even want to think about calendars in August yet. And I certainly don’t want to wish time away, precious as it is, but doesn’t it feel at times this year that 2020 can’t end soon enough? I, for one, am starting to buy my calendars for next year, and a few of my friends might just get this one for Christmas – because who doesn’t need to laugh right now!

The Texts from Mittens Calendar is available from Amazon.


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