Blind Cat Moet Lives In The Lap Of Luxury

Good To Know

A champagne-colored beauty, Moet lives a lush life of luxury. But her beginnings were anything but a dream.

Stuffed into a wire cage with several other cats, Moet and her fellow inmates lived in filth at a pet store in Oman, a Middle Eastern country bordering the Arabian Sea. On her website, Moet shared her story, telling readers, “I was often left without food and water, a dirty cage and litter box, no bed to lie on, no toys. Nothing.”

The stressful conditions sent the cat flu rampaging through the store and the little Persian cat fell ill.


Many of the other cats recovered and were eventually purchased, but Moet’s illness persisted. With no medical care and no loving hands to nurse her, Moet grew worse and worse. “Eventually the bright colours and things I saw started to go fuzzy and one day I woke up and there were only shadows and light. It wasn’t too much after that I could see only darkness.”

Moet had gone blind.


Kind Hearts Save A Kitty in Need

A woman who frequents the disreputable pet stores in Oman, seeking to save animals in dire need found the suffering Moet. She swept the sick cat away from the store and brought her to Al Qurum Veterinary Clinic.

Once in the care of Al Qurum, Moet underwent surgery to remove her infected eyes. She explained, “When I woke up I knew something was different about my eyes, they were sore on the outside, but inside they didn’t hurt so much and oddly, they felt better.”


And while she was healing and enjoying the kindness and good food, Moet overheard something about her one day finding a home. One she could call her forever home!

Meeting Mum and Loving Life

Not so long after her surgery, Moet met someone new. He new mom, Emily Shotter!

Moet shared Emily spoke so kindly and stroked her cheek, so “I rolled over for the next stage – the belly rub. She cooed and ahhh-ed and said ‘yes, I’ll take her’”.


Happy in her new home, the champagne cat said, “I got strokes and cuddles every day, great food, lots of different beds and so many toys I kept forgetting which one was my favourite.”

And because she’s grateful for all that she has, Moet is a girl who gives back. Emily and Moet work hard with their charity, Omani Paws. The volunteer group works hard to rescue animals in Oman and Moet loves helping every kitty find their lap of luxury.


Though her beginning was anything but enchanting, Moet the Blind Cat now lives life as the fluffy princess she was meant to be, getting daily brushings, treats, and chin rubs from her devoted mom. “I know I’m home. I know I’m loved. I am lucky to have my mum and fur-siblings and I’m just so happy.

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Feature Image: @moetblindcat/Instagram

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