Cat Raises Tail On The Issues During UK Parliament Meeting

Good To Know

Cats love Zoom.

Why, you ask?

Because its one more way for them to make sure they are the center of attention!

By sauntering in front of the cam, a cat says here I am, enjoy my presence! And once a kitty realizes you don’t want him in the shot, he decides to stay there, putting on a cat show that goes on no matter how hard you try to stop it.


Yep, felines don’t care if you’re in the middle of an important meeting or deep into a school lesson. Zoom allows them a wider audience for adoration and Rojo is a cat who understands this.

Rojo chose to make his Zoom debut in the middle of his dad’s Parliamentary committee meeting on children’s programming and subtitles. Apparently, Rojo felt his tail was the most important matter for discussion though.

Zoom Debut

Scottish MP John Nicolson was speaking to the Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport Committee and it was that moment Rojo knew he could seize his moment.


Nicolson continues speaking as his ginger tabby’s tail pops into view and the laughter of fellow committee members can be heard right away. The cat dad just begs pardon for Rojo’s tail and keeps going. “I apologize for my cat’s tail.”

But, encouraged by the attention, Rojo decides to keep his tail where it is. Nicholson gives his orange boy a pat and directs, “Rojo put your tail down.”


The laughter grows!

PoliticsHome correspondent Alain Tolhurst dubbed the photobomb, “Another classic entry for the Parliamentary cats on Zoom folder”.

The Cat Tail Seen Round the World

After the clip of Rojo went viral, the spoiled orange boy is now enjoying worldwide fame thanks to his sassy tail. And a lovely ring-tail it is, but what does Rojo look like?

Delighting feline enthusiasts everywhere, Nicholson posted to Twitter, “You’ve seen the tail. Here’s the face.”


Rojo is certainly enjoying his fame, but he wants everyone to know he’s a simple cat. He works hard for his family, tackling the filing between naps.


And he loves an outdoor romp in the garden.


Plus, he helps his dad as he appears on radio shows, advising him on what issues cats find pertinent.


So, Rojo is a good cat who loves simplicity, but when his opportunity for attention from the masses arrived, you better believe as an intelligent feline, he seized his chance.

Well done, Rojo!

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Feature Image: @Alain_Tolhurst/Twitter

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