Mews and Nips: “Tabby” – A Dating App for Cat Lovers

Good To Know

A new dating app, created especially for cat lovers and appropriately named “Tabby,” will launch on International Cat Day on August 8. Cat parents looking for human love will be able to meet each other and share videos, photos, and stories. “People without cats think that cat ladies and cat dudes are loners wrapped up in their bathrobes playing with balls of yarn all day,” said actor Nathan Kehn. “Really, cat people are the most suitable for real relationships. We understand what it means to earn trust and how to relish affection.” For more about Tabby, visit

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Sunday, I reflected on the importance of friendships in the middle of the pandemic, on Monday, I offered information on having a COVID-19 preparedness cat care plan in place, on Tuesday, we reviewed the Okaysou AirMic4S air purifier, on Wednesday, Allegra told you about some excitement with our refrigerator,  on Thursday, we provided tips on how to calm an anxious cat, and on Friday, we reviewed Five Trees for Mina, a book that can help children cope with losing a pet.

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Today’s super cute video is sure to bring a smile – enjoy!

Have a great weekend!

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