Calming the Nervous Cat

Good To Know

The one thing to keep in mind is that a nervous cat is often head-shy. He or she won’t want you to pet them on the head. These kinds of cats will also look for a place to hide away from everyone, and you might be aware that they walk with their legs bent so they can be low to the ground. It is also possible that you’ll notice that the cat might twitch their ears or lower their tail with the tip of the tail curved upward.

Nervous cats will also groom excessively. It is essential to take notice, especially if the cat is new to your household. A timid cat can make a stressful situation for everyone concerned. It will just take patience, some training, and lots of love to make your cat not feel nervous anymore.

If you know that your cat is nervous, you can do different things to make them feel less anxious and keep in mind that an adopted cat might be more nervous than you previously thought. They might have experienced an unpleasant trauma in their lives and cannot forget it. Make sure your timid kitty has a pleasant, quiet atmosphere, no raised voices, and don’t attempt to pick them up, just let them come to you independently.

A nervous cat will often feel better after eating some food and drinking some water. Make sure to place their bowls where they can eat and drink in private, especially if other pets are around. Let them see that they have their own space and make sure they have their private cat box. If they cannot have privacy, they might start to get irritable, and their nervousness won’t go away.

If your cat decides to hide, never try to coax them out. Once the cat starts to feel less nervous and anxious, they’ll come out. It will help if you let the cat gain confidence by themselves. If the cat shows that he or she is beginning to trust you, reward them with a special treat. If they come to you for love, pat them but let them go if they want to.

If your nervous kitty sees you have company, don’t grab them and introduce them. Let the cat decide if he or she wants to join you or not. Make sure the visitor understands the cat is nervous so that they don’t further scare kitty. Speak to your cat with love and make her or him comfortable in your home. If you see they don’t like a particular situation, do what you can to change it.

If your nervous kitty chooses to sleep on a surface, you would prefer them not to sleep on let them stay there until they are more confident, and you can scoop them up and place them elsewhere. See if your cat prefers some cat toys and always make sure the toys are available to the cat, making them less nervous with time. Provide them with a comfortable space they can call their own and a place where they can sleep undisturbed with a nice cat bed. This will do a lot to assure them that your heart is in the right place.

Be sure that everyone in your household does the same so that your nervous kitty doesn’t wind up being happy with one person and running from the other. With time your cat will understand that you have their best interests at heart and will turn into a loving member of the family.

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