Webinar: “The Pros & Cons of Alternative Medicine—What You Need To Know For Your Bird”
Date: Friday, July 24, 2020
Time: 12 pm PST (double-check your local time with this time zone converter)
Join us for a live, interactive webinar hosted by Laura Doering, former editor of Bird Talk magazine and Birds USA magazine. Our guest, Dr. Heather Barron, a board-certified avian specialist and a licensed wildlife rehabilitator with over 25 years of experience in practicing and
teaching special species medicine, will explore what is currently known about the herbal supplement industry, homeopathy, and other forms of alternative medicine that concerned owners and medical caregivers often pursue for birds. She will discuss the pros and cons as presented in a review of the scientific literature. This can be a real eye opener! So we hope you will join us on July 24 at 12 pm PT.
RSVP so we know to expect you! We will send you a reminder for the webinar, and if you cannot join us live, we will send a link to watch the recorded video at a later time.
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