Ultimate Ferret Care Guide 2019

Update 9/7/19: COMMENTS HAVE BEEN DISABLED. I have been receiving many negative comments on my appearance and other irrelevant comments I am tired of sifting through every day. For my sanity, the comments have been disabled. If you have a question on FERRET CARE, you can reach me on Instagram. @pazuandfriends

I ORDER MY MEAT HERE- https://hare-today.com/referral?id=b8b3e4a

1:30 History of the Ferret
1:50 Ferrets are Illegal?
2:28 Marshall Farms
4:56 Where to get a Ferret
5:48 How much is a Ferret?
6:32 Neutering / Descenting
7:15 Male Ferrets vs Female
7:42 The Importance of Diet
12:21 Ferret Treats and Supplements
14:10 Bathing, Nail Trimming, Ear Cleaning, Teeth Brushing
16:40 Sleep Schedule
17:31 Playtime
18:35 Toys
20:11 Outside Play
20:28 Cage Requirements
20:54 Vet Care
There are some things left out of the video. Feel free to comment below any questions or things you’d like to add. I wanted to make this video, since there are not many YouTube videos out there like it. The ones that have been posted contain some questionable care tips, which I wanted to clarify here. Ex: diet, bathing schedules

I forgot to touch on Freeze Dried Raw, another diet choice for ferrets. It’s similar to raw, but you can get a more complete diet in one sitting (commercial raw has the same convenience) vs feeding various organs throughout the week. It’s more expensive and many ferrets do not take to it as easily. But, easy to store.

Some resources…
1. http://holisticferret60.proboards.com/ , great resources on raw diets, raising ferrets holistically.
2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ysfT1bIvXixXYv6QFjW_EZZqHymtRXRTc3E_wAxLbxU/edit
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ayLi5Gra3cCbDLkUWpZXP-yOQjqvcfGZ7rQKeJay1k0/edit , READ THIS BOOK!
3. https://www.peta.org/features/investigation-exposes-cruelty-ferret-mill/ graphic content warning.
4. https://www.marshallbio.com/ , where our ferrets come from.

Thank you for the click! This channel is run by four raw fed slinky cat snakes and their momma (Bryn) we make educational videos, to help other pet parents learn how to take care of us! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

♡ Momo- Champagne REW Ferret
♡ Appa- Marked REW Ferret
♡ Howl- Silver mitt Ferret
♡ Pazu – Standard hooded poley Ferret

❀ Instagram: @pazuandfriends
❀ Email: pazutheferret@gmail.com
❀ Hare Today: https://hare-today.com/referral?id=b8b3e4a


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