Stray Cat is So Happy When She Finds Wonderful Family to Help Her Kittens


A calico cat was so happy when she found a safe place for her six kittens.

cute, kitten, cuddle, calico, mom

Jen Marder @jenfosterskittens

A stray cat and her litter of six were found outside in South Los Angeles a few weeks ago. The kittens were just two days old at the time, and in need of foster care. Jen Marder, a volunteer of Wrenn Rescues, stepped up and brought them into her home.

The cat mom was an instant love-bug when she arrived. “As soon as I opened the carrier, she was rubbing against me, begging for love. She was so talkative and let me know that she wanted attention. She was purring and curling up in my arms,” Jen told Love Meow.

They set up a comfortable nest for the family, where the cat mama would feel safe caring for her kittens. The sweet calico started kneading on her new bed as her hungry little kittens nursed away.

cute, kitten, cuddle, calico, mom, nursing

Jen Marder @jenfosterskittens

The calico mom (named Cleopatra or Cleo) would beg for attention and love every time her foster mom walked into the room. “She just wants a warm lap to cuddle up in and to get all the pets and snuggles,” Jen shared with Love Meow.

If Jen went to check on the kittens, Cleo would try to steal her attention away by rubbing all over her. Not only was she affectionate towards people, but also she was great mom.

cute, kitten, cuddle, calico, mom

Jen Marder @jenfosterskittens

Cleo came running if she heard her kittens cry, and watched them like a hawk until Jen came into the room to remind her to eat and take a break.

“She is pretty tiny, so feeding six hungry mouths and having them grow the way they have been is incredible. She is so sweet with all her babies, happily takes care of them and does not favor one over the others at all.”

cute, kitten, cuddle, calico, mom

Jen Marder @jenfosterskittens

Cleo likes to chirp at her kittens and meow at her humans. She will respond to anyone that calls her, with care and love. The beautiful calico is also equipped with a magnificent fluffy tail.

Once the kittens were weaned and started figuring out how to play, Cleo began to step back and spend most of her time with her foster family.

cute, kitten, cuddle, calico, mom

Jen Marder @jenfosterskittens

“She was a great mama and took such great care of them when they were growing, but now that they are six weeks old, she is ready to have a home of her own and be the center of attention,” Jen said.

Watch Cleo’s journey in this video:

Happy Calico Cat – foster journey

The former stray is now ready to retire from motherhood and start a new chapter in life. All she wants to do is curl up into a warm lap and cuddle.

cute, cat, calico, lap cat

Jen Marder @jenfosterskittens

“Her kittens are equal parts playful and cuddly. If they are getting too rambunctious, give them about two minutes and they will climb up into your lap and curl up and fall asleep,” Jen told Love Meow.

cute, kittens

Jen Marder @jenfosterskittens

“Cleo is so affectionate. She sits in my lap and asks for pets. She licks my hand and rubs against my leg when I feed her,” Jen said.

“Whoever adopts her when this family is ready, is going to get one amazing cat.”

cute, cat, calico, lap cat

Jen Marder @jenfosterskittens

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on this little family and Jan’s foster kitties on Instagram.

Related story: Stray Cat Walks into Apartment to Have Kittens and Gets Help Just in Time

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