This adorable cat didn’t hesitate when she saw her chance to steal the spotlight.
And, well, it got a little awkward.
The other day, Buenos Aires governor Axel Kicillof was on Argentine television to talk about his city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. Important as that discussion was, however, it briefly took a back seat to a surprise guest’s back end.
Smack-dab in the middle of the interview, Kicillof’s cat decided to make her move. She leapt up onto his lap, demanded a few pets — and then proceeded to give the viewers at home an eyeful, as cats are known to do.
Here’s that moment on video:
Kicillof, to his credit, seemed mostly unfazed by the kitty’s insistence on butting in; he carried on with the interview as if it was something that happens all the time.
Because apparently it does.
This, of course, is one way that cats show love for the people they care about. And Kicillof’s kitty has a good reason for that.
Last year, the governor opened his heart to two cats at a local adoption event, both of whom now live in the government building where Kicillof works — when they let him, that is.