Shy Kitten Asks for Cuddles After She Was Rescued from Uncertain Fate


A shy kitten started to blossom when she found a safe home and someone to love.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Milena from Montreal, Canada came across an orange kitten online, who was in need of help. She rushed to the rescue and got the 2-month-old feline to safety.

The kitten was just skin and bones and extremely shy, keeping her head down, ear flattened, and avoiding eye contact. She was immediately taken to the vet, and a local rescue, Chatons Orphelins Montréal, was contacted.

“We named the kitten Angie and took her into our care. She was covered in fleas and ear mites, and was underweight and dehydrated,” Chatons Orphelins Montréal shared with Love Meow.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

They gave her fluids and helped her eat as she didn’t have any appetite. “We mixed kitten milk with some paté, and fed her with a syringe.”

The sweet kitten slowly began to perk up as her body started to heal.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Once her condition improved, Marion, a volunteer of the rescue, scooped her up and brought her to her foster home.

Angie still had trouble eating and gaining weight, so her foster mom followed her around the house, making sure she never skipped a meal.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

The kitten was diagnosed with anemia and had a bacterial infection. With antibiotics and a lot of love, she began to heal.

After every meal, Angie cuddles with her foster mom in a purrito, purring herself to sleep.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

“She is finally able to eat on her own, and is active and feels a lot better. She wouldn’t have survived if her health issues hadn’t been detected in time,” the rescue shared with Love Meow.

As soon as Angie had a taste of love, she couldn’t get enough of it. “Now, she asks for hugs and attention all the time.”

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Angie is no longer that timid little kitty they met at the vet. She’s blossomed into a vocal, affectionate girl and is not shy of asking for cuddles.

“She has begun to play like other kittens her age. Her foster mom takes great care of her, and Angie is now weaning and healing well.”

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

In just a couple of weeks, the shy kitten has made a 180 and blossomed into a little love-bug.

Watch Angie in this video:

Rescued kitten Angie

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Related story: Kitten Found Crying Alone Outside, Cuddles Tabby Cat at the Rescue, and Won’t Let Go

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