Kitten Born with Twisted Legs Cuddles Rescued Dog and Won’t Stop Purring


A tiny kitten who was born with twisted legs, cuddled up to a canine friend and thought she was mom.

Shannon Basner

Shannon Basner, founder of Alaska’s KAAATs, was contacted about a 9-week-old kitten with twisted hind legs by her partner rescue Mojo’s Hope. The little one needed a foster home, and Shannon stepped up to help.

She was able to get the kitten to the vet for an evaluation. “Her quality of life was much brighter than they thought. This kitten has tons of energy, charisma, personality and perseverance,” Shannon told Love Meow.

X-Rays indicated a spinal injury that the vet believed is what caused the kitten’s legs to twist. Shannon was told that the kitty would be incontinent for the rest of her life, but the little fighter quickly proved them wrong.

Shannon Basner

“This darling superstar has taken to using a space designated for her with pee pads and uses that consistently,” Shannon said.

They named the kitten Lady Purrl. She quickly adjusted to indoor life and made do with what she had, like a champ. She could walk and climb things with her strong front legs effortlessly, and nothing seemed to slow her down.

Shannon Basner

“She won everyone’s hearts with her feisty, resilient, affectionate nature,” Shannon told Love Meow.

The following days, Lady Purrl was introduced to the rest of the furry crew, and one of them was instantly smitten with her. Cinder the resident dog has a soft spot for kittens and puppies in need.

(Scroll down for video)

Shannon Basner

When she saw the little feline saunter into the room on her two front legs, her motherly instinct kicked in. She was ecstatic with her joyful tail wagging and a big smile on her face — all she wanted to do was to care for the kitten.

After a few kisses from the doting canine, Lady Purrl realized she was in safe paws, and nuzzled into Cinder’s fluff and started to purr.

Shannon Basner

“Lady Purrl has a purr motor that is nonstop, and she loves to nestle in close to your ear so you can hear her soothing purr up close and personal.”

Cinder is the happiest pup when she’s with her foster kitten.

Shannon Basner

Their resident cat HarPURR, who also can’t use his back legs, has taken on the role as the new kitten’s mentor.

Watch the kitten in this cute video:

The two enjoy scampering around the room, playing chase and wrestling. Despite their disability, these remarkable kitties don’t let anything stop them from loving life.

Shannon Basner

After each play session, Lady Purrl always returns to her canine mama, Cinder, for some cuddles and comfort nursing. “Cinder is such a patient and loving pup who has so much she gives to others,” Shannon shared with Love Meow.

“Lady Purrl is such a spitfire, and with HarPURR and Cinder as her mentors, she’ll be the perfect blend.”

Shannon Basner

The rescue provides a safe, comfortable environment for the special needs kitten to ensure a purr-filled life that she so deserves.

“We have put into place safety precautions to ensure she is safe when we are at work and that she is carefully supervised when she is out zipping around,” Shannon added.

Shannon Basner

The brave little kitty never ceases to amaze everyone with her resilience. If there is a toy, she will try to catch it, and if HarPURR is around, she will get him to play.

By the end of the day, she waltzes her way to Cinder for some mommy time before purring herself to sleep.

Shannon Basner

The little kitten has found a perfect family and a canine mama who loves her to bits.

Shannon Basner

Share this story with your friends. Follow Lady Purrl and Alaska’s KAAATs on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Dog Takes to Stray Kitten Who Was Found Alone on Farm

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