Kitten Befriends Shy Cat and Helps Him Find Confidence


A little orphaned kitten befriended a shy cat and helped him find confidence.

Fuzzy Butt Rescue And TNR

Fuzzy Butt Rescue And TNR, a rescue group in New York City, took in a 7-month-old cat who was rescued from a hoarding situation. They named him Mouse because he was very shy.

“Mouse came to us frightened and traumatized after being dumped at (the city shelter) and separated from his housemates,” Nikki, founder of Fuzzy Butt Rescue, shared with Love Meow.

“He was the only one to be left by other rescues because of his behavior rating. He cried non-stop looking for one of his friends.”

Mouse was brought to his new foster home but he would constantly cry for attention. The sweet tabby couldn’t stand being alone.

Fuzzy Butt Rescue And TNR

Around that time, a little orphaned kitten was saved from life on the street and needed a foster home. Fuzzy Butt Rescue took her in and quickly noticed just how outgoing and playful she was.

They immediately thought of Mouse who could use a friend like her.

Fuzzy Butt Rescue And TNR

When the two met, the tabby boy no longer cried and just concentrated on the kitten. He would try to cuddle and groom her, following her everywhere she went.

“He was so happy to have a foster buddy. It was love at first sight for sweet Mouse who was so desperate for a friend,” Nikki told Love Meow.

Fuzzy Butt Rescue And TNR

Mouse insisted on caring for the kitten and wouldn’t let her out of eyeshot. When the little tabby (named Sazón) accepted him a couple days later, their friendship quickly blossomed.

No matter how rough the kitten wrestled with her big brother, Mouse would tolerate her every antic and shower her with love.

Watch the two best friends in this video:

He watched her when she played, and it brought out the inner-kitten in him. As Sazón grew bigger, their bond only became stronger.

Fuzzy Butt Rescue And TNR

Mouse is a big brother figure to the kitten, and she looks to him when she is unsure about something.

The pair is never far from each other.

Fuzzy Butt Rescue And TNR

Sazón is no longer that tiny kitten they found on the street. She has caught up in size with Mouse and grown to be a gorgeous cat.

“They entered their foster home through different situations and bonded almost immediately. We will not separate them.”

Fuzzy Butt Rescue And TNR

“They’ve been waiting for a while for their home to come along. They’re so silly and loving and deserve the happiest of endings.”

The two best friends can’t wait for a place to call their very own.

Fuzzy Butt Rescue And TNR

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Related story: Kitten Insists on Being Friends with Cat and Wouldn’t Take No for an Answer

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