Kitten Half the Size for His Age is So Happy to Be Rescued


A tiny kitten was just half the size for his age when he was found in a cat colony.

Heather Fontaine-Doyle

Heather Fontaine-Doyle, a volunteer of Broken Tail Rescue, was contacted about a litter of kittens that needed a foster home. They were found in a cat colony, and one of the kittens was much smaller than his siblings.

“When they brought the litter to me, we were all amazed,” Heather told Love Meow.

The tiny tabby whose name is Pill Pug, was five weeks old but only weighed about eight ounces, half the size of his litter-mates.

“He looked more like a little squirrel than a kitten.”

Heather Fontaine-Doyle

Despite his tiny stature, the kitten was active and brave. Heather nursed him back to health after many days of round-the-clock syringe-feedings. She made sure he was hydrated, warm and loved.

Pill Bug clung to his foster mom everywhere she went and fit perfectly in her pocket. He started to gain weight, slowly but surely.

Heather Fontaine-Doyle

After about nine weeks, the tabby boy finally hit the one-pound mark. What he lacked in size, he made up for in personality.

Despite his physical limitations (such as short, bowed legs), Pill Pug doesn’t let anything stop him. “He’s an amazingly playful and affectionate kitten,” Heather shared with Love Meow.

(Scroll down for video)

Heather Fontaine-Doyle

“He has adapted to how his body moves and engages in all the typical kitten behaviors. He just can’t jump on the furniture.”

The sweet kitty receives regular physical therapy to help improve his range of motion.

Heather Fontaine-Doyle

“Once he was truly well he became a feisty kitten. Fortunately, he’s turned out to be a very loving little cat!”

At almost seven months old, Pill Bug is over three pounds. Though he’s still very tiny and not a jumper, he’s learning to climb and is always curious about his surroundings.

Heather Fontaine-Doyle

Watch the kitten and his journey in this cute video:

When Pill Bug was little, he loved riding on his humans’ shoulders and cuddling in their arms when he napped. A few months later, some things never change.

He dozes off with a smile on his face while purring up a storm.

Heather Fontaine-Doyle

He follows his humans around the house like their tiny, little shadow, and never fails to brighten their day.

Heather Fontaine-Doyle

“He is one of the happiest little cats I’ve had the pleasure to foster,” Heather shared with Love Meow.

Heather Fontaine-Doyle

Share this story with your friends. Follow Pill Bug and their foster kitties on Instagram.

Related story: Woman Went to Rescue Kitten But Found Another One Just Half the Size

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